R&eacute;sultats de recherche pour rhenanus - Affin&eacute;(es) par : Livres - anglais SirsiDynix Enterprise http://portfolio.ville-selestat.fr/client/fr_FR/bh/bh/qu$003drhenanus$0026qf$003dFORMAT$002509Format$002509BOOK$002509Livres$0026qf$003dLANGUAGE$002509Langue$002509ENG$002509anglais$0026ic$003dtrue$0026te$003dILS$0026ps$003d300?dt=list 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z Johannes Sturm's Biography of Beatus Rhenanus:To Explain a Distorted Image /James Histein ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:58948 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z par&#160;Hirstein,James Stafford ((1953-...))<br/>Date de publication&#160;2009<br/>Cote&#160;M 59 RHE<br/>Contenu&#160;tir&eacute; &agrave; part de Johannes Sturm (1507-1589) : Rhetor, P&auml;dagoge und Diplomat, par Matthieu Arnold, (2009), p. 78 &agrave; 105.<br/> Tacitus ' Germania as Edited, commented upon, and interpreted By Beatus Rhenanus ( 1485-1547 ) /James Stafford Hirstein,... ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:14868 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z par&#160;Hirstein,James Stafford ((1953-...))<br/>Date de publication&#160;1994<br/>Cote&#160;M 59 RHE<br/> Tacitus' Germania and Beatus Rhenanus ( 1485-1547 ):A study of the Editorial and Exegetical Contribution of a Sixteenth Century Scholar /James S.Hirstein ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:14867 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z par&#160;Hirstein,James Stafford ((1953-...))<br/>Date de publication&#160;1995<br/>Cote&#160;M 59 RHE<br/> Pre - Conquest manuscript from Malmesbury Abbey and John Leland's letter to Beatus Rhenanus concerning a lost copy of Tertullian's works /James P. Carley and Pierre Petitmengin ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:56379 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z par&#160;Carley,James P.<br/>Date de publication&#160;2004<br/>Cote&#160;Cb 383<br/> Theory and Practice in Renaissance Textual Criticism. Beatus Rhenanus Between Conjecture and History /(par) John F. D'Amico ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:11454 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z par&#160;Amico,John F. D'<br/>Date de publication&#160;1988<br/>Cote&#160;M 59 AMI<br/> Memory of the World:The treasures that record our history from 1700 bc to the present day /Unesco ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:62069 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z par&#160;Unesco<br/>Date de publication&#160;2012<br/>Cote&#160;A 1304<br/>Contenu&#160;Contient un article sur l'inscription de la biblioth&egrave;que de Beatus Rhenanus au registre &quot;M&eacute;moire du monde&quot; de l'Unesco en 2011<br/> The cosmographia of Sebastian M&uuml;nster:describing the World in the Reformation /Matthew McLean ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:61792 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z par&#160;McLean,Matthew ((1975-....))<br/>Date de publication&#160;2007<br/>Cote&#160;Da 1589<br/>Contenu&#160;Beatus Rhenanus est cit&eacute; pp. 17, 31, 39, 107, 109, 113-114, 146, 154, 159, 236, 238, 262, 302, 303<br/> Making mathematical culture: university and print in the circle of Lef&egrave;vre d'&Eacute;taples /Richard J. Oosterhoff ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:64017 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z par&#160;Oosterhoff ,Richard J.<br/>Date de publication&#160;2018<br/>Cote&#160;Cb 630<br/>Contenu&#160;annotation manuscrite de l'auteur contient des &eacute;l&eacute;ments sur la collection de livres de Beatus Rhenanus conserv&eacute;e &agrave; la Biblioth&egrave;que Humaniste<br/> Les humanistes et leur biblioth&egrave;que =Humanists and their Libraries:Actes du Colloque international =Proceedings of the International Conference:Bruxelles, 26-28 ao&ucirc;t 1999 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:41771 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z 2024-06-20T20:30:26Z par&#160;Walker,Thomas<br/>Date de publication&#160;2002<br/>Cote&#160;Cb 342<br/>Contenu&#160;Le Cardinal de Cuse en voyage avec ses livres-la biblioth&egrave;que de Beatus Rhenanus: une vue d'ensemble des livres imprim&eacute;s-Philosophie de la biblioth&egrave;que de Montaigne: le difficile trajet des mots aux choses-la biblioth&egrave;que de Marnix de Ste.Aldegonde &agrave; travers sa correspondance-les humanistes et leur biblioth&egrave;que: quelques consid&eacute;rations g&eacute;n&eacute;rales-The Web of Renaissance Humanists, their Librairies, and the Organization of Knowledge in Pre-Enlightenement Europe-Early Humanism in Flanders: New data and Observations on the Library of Abbot Raphael de Mercatellis-Item ein sch&ouml;ne Bibliothec mit eim Register: un deuxi&egrave;me inventaire de la biblioth&egrave;que d'Erasme (&agrave; propos du manuscrit C VIa de la biblioth&egrave;que universitaire de B&acirc;le)-Les humanistes et leur biblioth&egrave;que: quelques consid&eacute;rations g&eacute;n&eacute;rales-The library of of Pieter Gillis-the Renaissance Ancien Library Tradition and Christian Antiquity-The Library of Bishop Laevinus Torrentius: a Mirror of Otium and Negotium-P.P.Rubens and his books-A Famous Humanisst's Library.Gerardus Joanes Vossius (1577-1649) and his Books<br/>